Accident de la route en RDC : 50 morts, une centaine de brûlés


After throw stones after a deadly stampede during the Oromo new year holiday Irreechaa in Bishoftu on October 2, 2016. Several people were killed in a stampede near the Ethiopian capital on October 2, according to an AFP photographer at the scene. Several thousand people from the Oromo community gathered at a sacred lake for a religious festival and started to cross their wrists above their heads, a symbol of Oromo anti-government protests. The event quickly degenerated, with protesters throwing stones and bottles and security forces responding with baton charges and tear gas grenades. Together, Oromos and Amharas make up 60 percent of the population and have become increasingly vocal in rejecting what they see as the disproportionate power wielded by the northern Tigrean minority in government and the security forces. / AFP PHOTO / Zacharias ABUBEKER

Une cinquantaine de personnes sont mortes et une centaine ont été brûlées à la suite de la collision d’un camion-citerne et d’un autre véhicule samedi sur une route nationale dans l’ouest de la République démocratique du Congo, a indiqué un responsable local.

“Nous déplorons la mort d’une cinquantaine de personnes et il y a une centaine de personnes qui ont des brûlures de deuxième degré”, a déclaré le gouverneur intérimaire de la province du Kongo central, Atou Matubuana, cité par le site d’information actualité.cd.


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